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Pathway to Teaching, B.S.

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Seize your moment. Go all in and become a teacher.

你已经在做老师的工作了——现在你只需要一个学位. 这个独特的学士学位完成计划将帮助你跟随你的召唤去教书,而不会把你的余生搁置.

Build your confidence in teaching. 向有经验的从业者学习建模最佳实践. 通过实地考察和学生教学获得实践学习.

这个项目以过去的大学经历为基础,但不需要学位. 课程是一周一晚,一次一门课. Are you ready to go all in?

Connect With Us

你需要关于项目和录取过程的问题吗? Reach out via email at age-admissions@klhgq8758.com or schedule an appointment with our Adult & Graduate Enrollment Representative.

Start Terms

  • March 18, 2025
      At Genesee Valley BOCES - Mt. Morris
  • March 19, 2025
      At Roberts Campus

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点击下面获取更多信息,了解美高梅mgm平台项目招生的详细信息, curriculum, tuition, and more.


Program Details

Classes One Night a Week (5-9 PM)

Standard Completion Time - 21 months


Cost Per Credit: $566

被考虑入读教学途径课程, 未来的学生必须累积60个小时的大学学分,并且在他们的课程中至少获得C.

你将获得教育学学士学位,从而获得以下课程之一 initial certifications:

  • 儿童教育及残疾学生1-6(双证)
  • 特定内容领域的青少年教育和残疾学生(7-12)
  • Students with Disabilities 7-12 Generalist

Our Approach



Teacher Preparation Programs

所有课程均由教育领域专家授课, 确保美高梅mgm平台的毕业生能够在所有领域的学习中脱颖而出. Each module is concentrated on a particular topic; these topics range from human development, special education, gifted education, ENL students, teaching in public schools, 幼儿教育的:教年幼的学生或儿童的, etc.

The Roberts Wesleyan University Advantage

美高梅mgm平台是一所致力于培养学生的思想和性格的教育机构. 美高梅mgm平台以全面发展的教师路径为教育目标的精神学院, mental, 以及情感的成长,这样所有未来的教育者都能出色地处理学校里出现的任何情况.

Program Highlights


Coaching through the certification process


Review sessions for certification exams


Career Outlook


  • Teacher


  • Rochester City School District
  • Charter Schools
  • Public Schools
  • Private Schools

Become a Certified Teacher

成为一名教师是一个令人钦佩的目标,但也不能掉以轻心. Before teaching in the classroom, 你必须获得两件事:获得认可的大学或教学项目的学士学位和教师资格证.

Education Programs


不同的州往往有不同的要求和课程. Still, 通常有一些教师教育学校或课程,你可以同时获得学位和推荐证书.

Furthering Teacher Education



Frequently Asked Questions

Before applying for a teacher’s certificate, 你必须获得认可的大学或教学项目的学士学位. 获得学士学位通常需要三到四年的时间. 然后你很可能必须完成学生教学经验,然后参加国家考试来证明你是合格的, adding a few more years. After these steps, you can apply for your teaching certificate, state requirements will vary, but this is the general process.

To become a teacher, 你需要证明你有资格从认可的大学或教学项目获得学士学位,然后在你所在的州获得认证. 资格可能会因你所在的州而略有不同.

Related Majors

Adolescence and Special Education, M.Ed. -准备纽约州教师认证,并获得青少年教育硕士学位, 以及青少年特殊教育硕士(7-12年级),这是一个为时间有限的成年人开发的负担得起的灵活的双重认证计划.
Childhood and Special Education, M.Ed. -准备纽约州教师认证,并获得儿童教育硕士学位, 以及儿童特殊教育硕士(1-6年级),这是一个为时间有限的成年人开发的负担得起的灵活的双重认证计划.
Literacy Education, M.Ed. -在现有认证的基础上,充分利用对扫盲专家日益增长的需求, with a Literacy Education, M.Ed. from Roberts Wesleyan University.
Special Education, M.Ed. - Interested in a Masters in Special Education? 以您现有的认证为基础,成为一名高素质的残疾学生教师, with a Special Education M.Ed. from Roberts Wesleyan University.
Adult and Graduate Admissions - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792 (toll free) - AGE-Admissions@klhgq8758.com